Marine Agency & Services Operations

Optic Fiber : Navigating the Waves of Connectivity

In the fast-paced world of technological advancements, where connectivity is the lifeline of progress, the 2Africa Cable project emerges as a colossal endeavor; weaving a digital bridge across the Atlantic Ocean. At the heart of this technological odyssey is Project 2Africa, a project undertaken on behalf of META, the digital powerhouse.

Embark on a 37,000-kilometer journey, where the shores of South Africa intertwine with the tech landscapes of England beneath the Atlantic. The 2Africa Cable project pioneers undersea optic fiber connectivity, a transformative force spanning Africa to Europe. The DANICA VIOLET, NORA B, and ILE DE SEIN vessels choreograph this aquatic ballet, laying the cable in the vast expanse.

Discover the project’s intricacies on the dedicated 2Africa Cable website. Witness the DANICA VIOLET ferrying the cable—the project’s lifeblood—. While the NORA B delicately places it up to 15 meters deep. The ILE DE SEIN seamlessly connects coastal and oceanic cables, as depicted in Photo 2.

Integral to the narrative are agencies like NAVITRANS, serving as project agents in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Gabon, Cote d’Ivoire, and Senegal. From Swiss headquarters, Sébastien Lavaud ensures harmonious coordination across borders, adding depth to the project’s global ensemble.

The 2Africa Cable project is an engineering marvel, a colossal investment spanning 37,000 kilometers. This commitment underscores the venture’s significance in the realm of digital connectivity. Marking a monumental stride towards a globally interconnected future.

This project signifies a transformative leap towards a globally interconnected future. Discover more on the dedicated 2Africa Cable website

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