Procurement & Supply Chain

Behind the Scenes of a Flawless Logistics Operation

In the heart of operational intricacies, EFS Ebrex logistics team is orchestrating a symphony of movements across three strategic sites – Seaport, DFS, and North Ramp, each a vital piece in the puzzle of supply chain management. A military runway, audited and approved by PHC, serves as the linchpin, ensuring a seamless flow of operations.

Handling an impressive 50,000 cases monthly (excluding FF&Vs), the logistics team is a well-oiled machine, dispatching an average of 5,000 cases weekly. The rhythm begins on Mondays with the reception of orders, followed by meticulous assessment before the crucial picking process commences. Once sorted, cases find themselves in the “Green Zone,” awaiting dispatch to their final destinations.

Speaking of destinations, this logistical ballet extends farther, reaching four sites – two via air and two by road. Sunday’s air operations kick off with the arrival of FF&Vs from Kenya, deploying two DC-9 aircrafts to Kismayo and a squadron of four ATP aircrafts to Baledogle on Mondays.

However, behind this impressive dance lies a lot of challenges. The security situation is as volatile as the changing winds, capable of altering the course of operations in an instant. Closures of roads or the Seaport occasionally cast shadows on the team’s endeavors. Yet, it is their unwavering professionalism and acute situational awareness that stand as the unsung heroes, ensuring the continued success of this high-stakes logistical mission.

Remarkably, amidst the unpredictable landscape, the team proudly boasts an unparalleled achievement – not a single delivery has been missed in three years. In the face of uncertainty, this logistics team doesn’t just meet challenges head-on; they transform them into stepping stones towards achievement. Their story is not just one of efficient operations but also a testament to resilience in the face of adversity.

Learn more about EFS Ebrex here

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Operations Procurement & Supply Chain

EFS Ebrex’s Triumphin OTO Airlift Operations